27 Ocak 2011 Perşembe


Kıyamet Suresi
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Eşrâtu's-Saa), the End Times (late time) Doomsday is coming out of that, is about to break off indications. Signs of these symptoms are usually small (Alâmât-i Suğra) and WILL (Alâmât-i Kubra) to be examined in two sections.

Koran, Allah, no one else can do it specifies the time of the Doomsday (al-A'raf, 7 / 187; Lokmun 31/34; al-Ahzab, 33/63). However, approaching (al-Zumar, 54 / 1), is close to (the most-Nahl, 16/77), all of a sudden the future (al-A'raf, 7 / 187) reports. Resurrection, the signs appear (Muhammad, 47/18), although expression does not give information about them. However, the "Hour approached, the moon split split asunder" (al-Kamer, 54 / 1), the second part of verse "moon is split asunder" in the event that the incident referred to in the Koran to be the only feature of the Doomsday wins.

Hadith digests will emerge before the Kıyâmet'ten hadith contains a large number of such signs. Evaluating them in terms of the qualifications expressed by the hadith scholars of Islam, Small Signs of the signs (Suğrâ Alâmât-i) and WILL (Alâmât-i Kubra) to be collected under two headings. Judgement is defined as the time before the end times over the religious feelings, thoughts and behaviors weakening, not given the required importance of religious rules, the abandonment of worship, immorality manifested in the form of proliferation of small Alametler'in major are as follows:

a) people with each other to make the building competitions (Bukhari, Fitan, 25; shit. Tajrid-i Terci clear, 1 / 58).

b) the people's wish for the death of their (Bukhari, Fife, 25; Muslim, Fitan, 53-54)

c) the birth of his master maid (Muslim, Faith, 1).

d) a fire out of the Hijaz Busra'da (a place near Damascus), camels feet Light (Bukhari, Fitan, 24; Muslim, Fitan, 42).

e) The waters of the Euphrates river, pulled out the golden river bed (Muslim, File, 29-31).

f) They both claim the right of the two great Muslim army to fight each other (Bukhari, Fitan, 25; Muslim, Fitan, 17).

g) The disappearance of the Islamic sciences, the increase of ignorance (Bukhari, Fitan, 4).

h) The proliferation of earthquakes (Bukhari, Fitan, 25).

i) the approach of the time, night and day are equal (Bukhari, Fitan, 25).

i) the proliferation of murders, corruption should appear (Bukhari, Fitan, 4; Muslim, Fitan, 18).

j) the Muslims fight the Jews and the Muslims kill the Jews (Tajrid-i express Translation, VIII, 341; Muslim, Fitan, 79-82).

k) the processing of adultery obviously, to increase the consumption of liquor, women, men multiply reduction in the (most-Nasif Taj al-Ali, 5 / 335).

l) Kahtân'dan out of a person, people with wand sevketmesi Bukhari, Fitan, 23).

Major signs of the apocalypse in the following hadith cited in bulk: Huzeyfetu'l-Gifarı (ra) narrated from the region: We are talking among ourselves one day, the Prophet came to us. Us "How do you speak?" he said. We "speak the day of resurrection," he gave answers. The Prophet, "Verily ten omen görülmedikçe established until doomsday," he said, and "Dajjal, smoke (Duha), Dâbbetü'l-Ardh, the emergence of the sun from the west, Jesus (as) 's resting place, Gog and Me'cuc 'u, east, west, and three in the depression known as the Arabian Peninsula, Yemen last out of the place to find people who said that the fire will last forever "(Muslim, Fitan, 39).

Another great sign of the apocalypse in this decade, or Islamic scholars hadislerce describes as follows:

1. The emergence of the Dajjal: Dajjal will appear in the Resurrection is a person a liar, and the Muslims of the Islamic Dini'ni whether ifsad, will want to prompt to evil and corruption. Dajjal is blind right eye, two eyes between the "infidel," he wrote, not the child, can not get the Medina and Mecca, forty days after the occurrence of the land will remain within this period, some of the extraordinary events of type istidrac show, then again as the biggest signs of the apocalypse. Jesus' authentic hadith are killing the earth by his inmesiyle (Bukhari, Fitan, 26; Muslim, Fitan, 37, 39, 40, 91, 101, 110, 112).

2. Duhan'ın out: Smoke that is one of the biggest signs of the Resurrection from the Dukhan (Muslim, Fitan, 39). Occurrence of a cloud of smoke covering the world before the apocalypse, will remain for forty days and forty nights, colds afflicted believers, as if the unbelievers will be like a drunk.

3. Ardh Dabbetü'l-out: reports of a creature will appear before Kıyâmet'ten. The word means "in the animal" means. Qur'an "was said to them when it comes to their heads, a sort of ground animal (dabbe) that he came up to them, tell people to not believe in Our revelations for sure" (most-Humid, 27/82) buyurulmaktadır. Hz. Dâbbetü'l-supply of the Prophet about the "signs of the forthcoming first of Resurrection, with the birth of the sun from the west, a tea-time against the people dâbbenin (animal) zuhurudur. Alametten This is one of the two, is a friend, before. Later, the other one occurred in close proximity on his trail income "(Muslim, Fitan, 118) said.

4) the emergence of the West of the Sun: The sun arising in the west, people will believe collectively, but their faith in those who previously did not believe they provide a benefit (Tajrid-i express Translation, XII, 307; Muslim, Fitan, 118).

5. Prophet Jesus (as) 's come down: According to Ahl al-Sunnah itikadına Jesus Christ will descend to Earth before the occurrence of the Hour, will invite Christians to Islam, will kill the Dajjal, the Prophet (PBUH) with the judge in the Sharia (Bukhari, Magic, 102; Muslim, Faith, 242-247).

6. Gog and Me'cûc'ün output: Judgement ago out of the occurrence of "to do mischief on earth" (al-Kahf, 18/94) is a collection of originals and two human strains uncertain (Mohammad Hamdi Yazır Rights Religious Language of the Koran, IV , 3288). Hz. ZülKarneyn'in the Great Wall was demolished in front of them (al-Anbiya, 21/96) dissipate with the opening of the earth to attack people, burn-destroying cities will bring ruin. In some accounts it was cited that the Great Wall of China Great Wall (Mohammad Hamdi Yazır ibid, IV, 3291, 3374, steam, analytics, 7; Muslim, Fitan, 1.2).

7.8.9. In the east, west, the Arabian Peninsula in the region çöküntülerinin occur in three major signs of Doomsday (Muslim, Fitan, 39).

10. A big fire in front of the people of Yemen will continue taking (Muslim, Fitan, 39).

Mahdi Abu Dawood and Tirmidhi Sünen'lerinde out according to the hadith contained in some of the major signs of Doomsday (Sunan Tirmidhi, IV, p.1-93: Sunan Abu Dawood, N., SR. M. Abdul Hamid IV, 100, 106).

Hz. The Prophet (PBUH), the Hour kopacağını reported on poor people and unbelievers. This is according to the hadith of Resurrection and will be taken without breaking their spirits before the believers in the Hereafter will be ol (Bukhari, Fitan, 5; Muslim, zoning, 53).

Ahmed OZGEN (Samil Islamic Ans.)

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