27 Ocak 2011 Perşembe



Mardin, architectural, ethnographic, archaeological, historical and poetic visual values in cities of the Southeast giving the impression of time is one of the veins. MÖ.4500 excavations conducted in the region starting from the classical sense, sees the settlement of Mardin; Subari, Hurrian, Sumerian, Akkadian, Mitani, Hittites, Assyrians, Scythians, Babylonians, Persians, Makkedonya, Abgar, Roman, Byzantine, Arab, Seljuk, and Ottoman Artuqid a very important structure within the blend for the period of an open-air museum. There will be many important scientific excavations in the city area. As a result, the city's history will have a better opportunity to prove.

Mardin is not known exactly when and by whom it was established in the organization is based on the ancient Near East until the time of Subariler by date. Between 1911-1929 the German archaeologist Baron Oppenheim Marva according to the results of his excavations: Subariler'in in Mesopotamia (MÖ.4500-3500) lived in this decision as the reason they found between the Sumerian and Babylonian tiles showed multiples. Gırnavaz starting in 1932 until 1991, the ruins of archaeological excavation and research, as a result of sustained Gırnavaz'ın MÖ.4000 from 7 BC permanent settlement area dating from the end of that century anlaşılmaktadır.MÖ.4000 Late Uruk Period, Gırnavaz residues located on the bottom layer of the cultural layer of Er Dynastic Period Architecture Culture oluşturmaktadır.Bu layers were investigated and evaluated in terms of the burial customs of many people. Determined according to the graves of the dead according to the traditions of ancient Mesopotamia during this period as a drop-down pits knees, laid on their bellies then slant slightly burned with fire by providing spiritual cleansing in worldly affairs kapatılmaktadır.Mezar holes cut in the personal goods of metal weapons, ornaments and metal seals and ceramic cup samples of cult many have been identified.

King of Sumer, along the Mediterranean Sea in MÖ.2850 Lugarzergiz time taken under the provision of Mardin. Urbanism, reaching an advanced level in the field of irrigation and agriculture, the Sumerians, who lost power after 30 years as a result of extensive conquests had left Mardin Akadlar'a (MÖ.2820). Akkadians, MÖ.2500 in agreement with the Akkadian-Sumerian Empire established Sümerlerle. Prof. Dr. Ekrem Memiş .. "Ancient History of Turkey" in his book: "a great empire in Mesopotamia, the documents of the body are understood by bringing Akadlar'ın Semitic origin, including MÖ.3000 late Mardin, Southeast Anatolia region of Central and Northern Mesopotamia Hurrians around Mosul and Kirkuk, sitting on a people known by the name, "she writes. Mardin, MÖ.2230 'lu was in the city of Elam. The sixth member of the family of Amuri Hamurabi, Babylon, Sumer topraklarınıı when you receive under the administration of the Babylonian Empire established at this time, and then invaded the territory of Upper Mesopotamia attacked Mardin added. (MÖ.2200-1925).

BC. After occupying the city of Mardin in 1925 left the Hittites, a vil. Iran from the Aryan race from around Midiller, Mardin and its surroundings were seized. Midiller unknown reason reigned for 500 years and a Midil Mısır'lılara bound to tax the Egyptian pharaoh princess evlendirmişlerdir île. BC. In 1367 came civil war between Midiller, Balit Mardin and its surroundings On this occasion the Assyrian king of Assyria, has added new territory. BC. Some of the Aryan race came from Anatolia, Mardin took 1190'da tribes. 60 years after the first Tıplalpalasır, Sinjar, Nusaybin and Mardin maintained through the force of 20 thousand Maşiki Kemecin'e 'again attacked and captured them after defeating the Mardin and its surroundings. MÖ.1060 at the time of the First Asurnasırbal yenmişlerdir.Asurluların re-solidify on the Hittites, Assyrians near Gılganuş merged, remaining in the hands of the Assyrians of Mardin Mardin Assyrian domination girmiştir.MÖ.800 Until then mimes the time of the king of Urartu Kingdom of the sovereignty of Mardin geçmiştir.Urartu 50 year, the administration of Urartian remains.

Until MÖ.612 Sityaniler, MÖ.618 Midi In these lands seized from Iran. Alexander the Great came to Egypt and Mesopotamia yıllarmda MÖ.335 after receiving passes from Mardin to go to Iran. May 28 MÖ.323 of these places also in Babylon after the death of Alexander the Great invaded the commanders and the government will share in the eastern part of Mardin Nikanır called for that share of the General Slevkos'un fall. (MÖ.311) BC. 131 Kingdom of Urfa, Mardin and its surroundings (Abgarlar) lands. MS.249 'reign of the Roman ruler Filibos IX 5.yılında start a riot. Abgar'ı expelled from the country. Also been appointed governor of the city .. In the meantime, Mardin, Urfa Hapsioğlu Uralyonos Roman rule came to be connected. In MS.250 Dakiyos, Persians conquered his country devastated etmiştir.Bu Nusaybin restored order. Sad in 330 on fire and the sun worshiper of Mardin Castle because of ill health remains a king named Bukhari. During his stay in the castle itself best when the summer palace built and lived here for 12 years. Then the King, the hometown of many military and civilian Pers'ten brought people to bring them through the city until yerleştirir.442 Mardin is a lot of development. 442 people in a relentless plague epidemic that swept the city makes it uninhabitable. About 100 years later by a Roman Ursiyanos, commander of Mardin in 47 years to build a team succeeds and allows the people to come here again. During this time, the Persians renowned centers Tare was rebuilt. Mardin Byzantines in 640 Hz-Umar Ilyas Bin Ganem'in commanders have continued their existence until the invasion. Mardin and its surroundings, 692'de Umayyads, the Abbasids rule girmiştir.Bu time period Satisfied 824'te Caliph of Islam spread rapidly. Who reigned between 885-978 Hamdaniler'in around the castle the way you captured exactly coincides with the year 895. Naturally, some parts of the castle walls by having to remain upright until the present day in some places they made the repairing. But one by one in 990 territories seized in Mosul tutunabilen Hamdaniler'in Mervaniler, they captured Mardin. Mardin and around the bazaars, mosques, this important city on the silk road repairs by making commercially canlandırırlar .. As a result of reaching the growing incursions of the Turks in Anatolia after the victory of Alparslan Manzikert zayıflayanı Mervaniler 1089'da Nusaybin State defeated by the Seljuk Turks into their domination. Gazi Bey, captured the state capital of Mardin Province Artuklulardan l105'te yapar.Halep I like the city because of the struggles undertaken by the Gazi Bey, against the Crusaders will win great fame. Silvan defeating the Crusaders captured Antioch Roger Prince, City of Gazi of Diyarbakir after the death of his sons and nephews of the state through the press, Harput Castle and its environs are dominated, Crusaders, Franks, Urfa Kontu'nu, Bilecik and the Jerusalem Crusade Senyör'ünü Bodven'i gain great success in the King beating. Thus, a large state in the region have set up Artuk. This 304-year dominance of the state's many historic mosque in the process, the madrassa, bath and caravanserai built many mosques, schools and monasteries have been repaired.

Timur 1393'te Mardin Castle during the siege Artuk tried to occupy can not be successful. For the month of Ramadan in 1395 Timur Mardin Kiziltepe a new marquee set up their preparations for the siege begins. Timur's violent attacks against the people of Mardin, taking refuge in the castle by putting the largest army and rulers of that time has experienced failure. Due to the success of the repair activities of the people Artuk Mardin Mardin 2 girişirler.15.yüzyılda strengthening bilateral Karakoyunlu this state of siege that attempts to eliminate the delay. According to the agreement made public that could not withstand more than 1409'da siege of the city will deliver the castle Karakoyunlulara. Mardin Karakoyunlu remain under the sovereignty of 61 years. Karakoyunlu tribal uprising against the regime of the process, they put in and take the state to spend from time to time. Karakoyunlu address the sovereignty of the castle in 1462 to spend Akkoyunlus eaten. During this period, from Mardin in November Bey Pasha, Timur destroyed the city burned and attempts to repair the castle. This work and the success of the crowning glory to this day and date with a defiant stand succeeded Pasha Madrasa of muscle is doing. At the beginning of the 16th century rule of the Shah Ismail Akkovunluları manages to establish a powerful Shiite state. Back to the brutal murder of Shiism into Anatolia during this period does not agree. Mardin, who saw this judge, the city against the tyranny and plunder, to protect the people of Shah Ismail bloodless surrender of the castle is the key. . Mardin precisely into the hands of the Ottoman Sultan Selim in Egypt was organizing campaign. Diyarbakir (Amid) and the Kurdish scholar Governor Idris-i Bitlisi Subagyo Mehmet Pasha, Sultan Selim I in 1516 by order of Mardin and besieged the castle for more than nine, sent to various provinces of the Ottoman reinforcements, Eastern Anatolia to the castle from the combined forces of the Kurdish lords organized attacks over and over. However, against the heroic people have been put on both sides leading to hard times. Eagle Slot vain expectation of assistance when Subagyo Mehmet Pasa, and Idris-i Bitlisi 7 April l5l7 "Yavuz Sultan Selim in Egypt in the Ottoman Empire, giving the good news that they are entered into the castle first so sevindirmişlerdir halifesini. Mardin in 1517 and joined the Ottoman Empire region, one If flag is connected to Beylerbeyliğine Diyarbakir. 1518''de ensign of Mardin: Central accidents consisted of floristic provinces Savur and Nusaybin. Mardin, Diyarbakir-long period in Baghdad and Mosul had to ensign. Mardin Sandjak public: ayrılmaktaydı nomadic and settled into two parts. Built-in in terms of folk beliefs: Jews, Christians (Armenians, Assyrians and Chaldeans), Muslims, and some umbrellas (sun worship) consisted.



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